Scouting Groups, throughout Canada, are not for profit organisations and do not directly receive funding from Scouts Canada. The funds from registration do not go to the individual Groups. They are used by Scouts Canada for national programs, camp locations, administration, and other items that keep the organisation as whole operating.
The individual Scouting Groups utilise fundraising events to generate the funds needed to operate.
The 169th Glen Allan Scouts Group utilises the following fundraising model and initiatives to allow us to operate.
We ask for a commitment cheque of $200.00 (payable to 169th Glen Allan Scouts), post dated to February 1st of the following year. If each youth fulfils their fundraising commitment the cheques are returned or destroyed, depending on your wishes.
Fundraising commitment:
- Each youth member (not family) commits to participating in two of the three Group bottle drives held throughout the Scouting year.
- Each youth member (not family) commits to participate in the Scouts Canada popcorn fundraiser.
Fundraising initiatives:
- Scouts popcorn. This is our Group’s most lucrative, and important, fundraiser of the year.
- Bottle Drives. We hold three bottle drives throughout the year (fall, winter, and spring).
- Equator Coffee Roasters. This is a new contactless fundraiser for fall 2020.
- Scouts seeds. This is a new fundraiser for the Spring of 2021.
- Sections may choose to hold additional fundraising events that will further allow them to provide the best programs that they can. Examples of this would be Section bottle drives, silent auction, meat orders, Clean-It-Green-It compost sale, etc.